


Department of Informatics
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
University of California, Irvine


David Redmiles é professor no Departamento de Informática da Universidade da Califórnia, Irvine (UCI). É autor de mais de 100 artigos científicos integrando as áreas de Engenharia de Software, Interação Humano-Computador e Sistemas Colaborativos. De 2004 a 2011, ele foi chefe do departamento de informática da UCI.

Mais detalhes em: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~redmiles/

OBS: A palestra será proferida em inglês.

Awareness, Trust, and Tool Support in Distance Collaborations

Our day-to-day activities and especially our work increasingly involve distance collaborations. As individuals, we work in isolation and integrate results via collaborative technologies. Also, with great frequency, we see new kinds of collaborative technology and variations on existing technologies supporting new tasks or new aspects of activities. This trend of distributed, collaborative work and the technologies supporting it fuel one another and the combination motivates the research that my group has performed for the past several years. The problems are fascinating in their diversity and human-centered nature. Indeed, while we study and develop technologies for supporting distance collaborations, we equally study individuals' and organizations' reactions to, use of, and disuse of these technologies. In this talk, I will discuss a wide range of technologies we have developed, theoretical findings we have made, and approaches we take in researching distance collaborations. While the theories and concepts apply to multiple domains, the examples discussed are almost exclusively in the context of collaborative software engineering. Examples of the topics I will discuss include the following: tool support, visual user interfaces, awareness and trust among collaborators, effects of gender and culture, and empirical work in organizations and laboratory settings. Most of all, I wish to share with the audience the excitement and the overall promise of research in this area.

Slides da palestra


David W. McDonald é professor associado na Universidade de Washington. Conduz pesquisas que estudam a colaboração em massa na Wikipedia e a colaboração e uso da mídia nas residências. Ele publicou artigos nas áreas de Sistemas Colaborativos e Interação Humano-Computador. Dr. McDonald recentemente atuou como diretor de programas da National Science Foundation (NSF).

Mais detalhes em: http://www.pensivepuffin.com/dwmcphd/

OBS: A palestra será proferida em inglês.

How A Million People Could Save the Planet: The Next Research Agenda for Collaborative Computing

The rise of large-scale systems that allow diverse communities of individuals to each contribute their unique talents, perspectives and skills has necessitated a shift in how we think about the relationship between people and computing. Systems like Wikipedia, PatientsLikeMe, InnoCentive, or Mechanical Turk illustrate the potential for these new types of systems to interleave the talents of people and machines to begin solving problems that neither people nor machines could solve alone. Various terms are being used to describe these systems that begin to interleave the efforts of people and machines: Distributed Contributor Systems, Human Computation, Collective Intelligence, Web Science and Social Computational Systems (SoCS). One aspect of SoCS is that any single disciplinary stance (computational, behavioral, or social) is insufficient to understand characteristics for which we must account when designing and building these types of systems.

This shift toward integrating larger numbers of people and machines into a designed system raises a number of distinct research challenges for: programming languages that express complex relationships between the human contributions and machine contributions in a computation, data management schemes that effectively handle massive amounts of data with missing, inconsistent and dirty values and which track the provenance, and software architectures that effectively scale from small numbers of machines and participants through massive numbers of machines and participants.

The talk will introduce Social Computational Systems (SoCS) to claim that Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and collaborative computing are experiencing a paradigm shift that encompasses larger numbers of connected, participating users and machines. As a result, the study and design of SoCS is important to the future of HCI and collaborative computing. I outline a small selection of prior research that illustrates a progression of my own research thinking about how to study, characterize, design and build systems where the interleaving of computation and people are essential to the way the systems perform. I illustrate working in a disciplinary intersection through a study that applies machine learning techniques to understand how members of one large online community identify behavioral patterns of other members of the community. The talk concludes by outlining key research challenges for a Social Computational Systems (SoCS) research agenda.

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Pesquisadora e professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Católica de Pelotas. Seus interesses de pesquisa focam as redes sociais mediadas pelo computador e as comunidades virtuais, suas representações, conversações e negociações dos fluxos de informação. É autora de diversos livros, entre eles Redes Sociais na Internet (Ed. Sulina, 2009) e Conversação em Rede (Ed. Sulina, 2012). Trabalhou como consultora para diversas empresas, entre elas, Google, MySpace e Lolapps.


Curriculum Lattes:

Redes Sociais Online, Capital Social e Cooperação

A proposta enfoca a discussão das redes sociais online como facilitadoras dos processos colaborativos através da construção de capital social. A partir desta premissa, discutem-se os sites de rede social e as redes sociais como fenômenos contemporâneos, cujas práticas conversacionais originam novas formas de negociar e construir valores sociais, contribuindo para uma maior pluralidade de valores disponíveis que podem ser utilizados pelos atores como elementos de cooperação e colaboração. Discutem-se também as estruturas das redes, as motivações e as perspectivas estruturais dessas redes e suas principais diferenças daqueles grupos constituídos exclusivamente nos espaços offline.